Dark, Gothic, Bondage-like love.

05/26/2010 16:21

    I don't really know if there is  really something like the title's third category of love but in my mind there sure is. I mean, you watch movies in which two people in love show no apparent joy of being in love but instead, they express this intense need, for the other, that seems to be the very essence of their existence. They need each other so much that being together is not something that completes them but something that defines them. They cannot survive as individuals, they have to be together.

    I don't know if I am describing this correctly but the best analogy would be breathing. Not just breathing but breathing when every breath hurts your chest, like after a drowning incidence. Even though it hurts you, you just have to keep breathing. Some love stories are just like that. And when love stories get like that... it just makes me wonder. Does anyone actually love someone like that?

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